This week the staff of the
Sergio Troncoso Branch Library and I presented the inaugural winners of the
Troncoso Reading Prizes with certificates of achievement, gift cards from Barnes Noble, and gift bags from the
El Paso Public Library.
The winners also received a signed copy of one of my books, and we read their individual essays on their favorite books. Here are some pictures with parents, teachers, and even principals who attended the event at the library. I can't wait to do it again next year.
Winners of 2015 Troncoso Reading Prizes:

9-12th grade category:
1st Place: Alejandra Mendoza, Del Valle High School, 2nd Place: Jasmine
Saldana Madrid, Valle Verde Early College High School, 3rd Place: Amber
Saldana Madrid, Valle Verde Early College High School.
grade category: 1st Place: Galilea Rodriguez, LeBarron Elementary
School, 2nd Place: Jesus Martinez, Presa Elementary School, 3rd Place:
Victoria Alarcon, LeBarron Elementary School.
A total of 90 students signed up for the inaugural Troncoso Reading
Prizes, and these students read a remarkable 1,562 books. An
overwhelming majority, 71 students, read five or more books between September 15-November 15. Many students read more than twenty books.

The prizes are awarded only to students within the geographical area covered by the Sergio Troncoso Branch Library. A list of eligible schools is available at
Troncoso Reading Prizes.
First Place receives a $125.00 gift card, Second Place receives a $100.00 gift card, and Third Place receives a $75.00 gift card. All prizes are gift cards from Barnes and Noble Booksellers. A total of six prizes are awarded in the two categories every year.

The prizes are given to students who read the most books from September 15 to November 15 of each year. During this time period, students read a minimum of five books. The students who read the most books are the prizewinners. Each student picks a favorite book from the books read and writes a short essay (100 word or less) on that book. Prizewinners have their essays laminated and displayed next to their favorite book in the library.

Librarians at the Sergio Troncoso Branch Library use the Evance System to register readers during the eligible period of the prizes. The library staff administers the prizes and makes final decisions on all the prizewinners.
If you have any questions or to register next year, please contact the library staff at the Sergio Troncoso Branch Library, 9321 Alameda Avenue, El Paso, Texas, 79907. Telephone: 915-858-0905.